Different Types of Solar Power Systems

The use of solar power has become popular these days, thanks to the lower price of solar panels and other components needed to build it. Aside from being a sustainable energy source, you can also enjoy a lot of financial savings when you convert into a solar-powered home. Before investing in solar power, you must first get familiar with the different solar power systems to know which one suits your home and lifestyle best.

Parts of a Solar Power System

Solar power systems have 3 basic components. First are solar panels which are mounted on the roof and absorbs light energy from the sun. Next is the inverter, which is connected at the back of every panel. This part converts DC energy from the sun into AC energy which can be used by your appliances. Last is the mount where you attach the panels so that they can stay secure on your roof or wherever you place your solar power system.


The most common solar power system used by majority of homes in Australia is the on-grid or grid-tie solar power systems. As the name suggests, this type is connected to the public energy grid. They absorb and process solar power and supply it to your home. The excess energy produced is sent to the grid and most states pay back for the amount of energy that you have exported into the public grid.

The downside of on-grid system is the absence of batteries. You can’t store in energy for future use such as cloudy days or night time. Most of this can’t provide energy during blackout because of their connection to the public energy grid. Most energy companies shut off the grid since it would be risky if energy from solar power will still pass through when the line has issues. Contact excellent solar panel installers to help you find the right style for your home.


Unlike the previous type, off-grid solar power system is not connected to the public energy grid, making you gain more independence when it comes to energy source. This system has batteries where you could store extra energy for future use. Because this type of solar power system is stand-alone, it could cost more than the on-grid system. You should also take into consideration the right number of panels to be sure that it can produce enough energy to power up your home.


As the name suggests, this type is a combination of both on-grid and off-grid types. It has battery storage in the systems but is still connected to the public energy grid. This solar power system is efficient in providing energy for your home at daytime. At night, during cloudy weather, and even winter when there is lesser sunlight, you can still enjoy solar power from the battery system. If there is lesser energy produced or the stored energy got depleted, you still have the public energy grid as another energy source for your home.

Knowing these 3 types of solar power systems helps a lot in your decision making when it comes to which one suits your home and lifestyle the most.

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